Im into e mood of updating & since dyania is so freaking bored so i hope this entries might entertain her & e rest of u guyz..haha! So training for this week..AGAIN! as Ms Kristy is handing over touch to Ms Eunice...& she is stil planning on something for lets hope for e better ya..
hmm..Yesterday..Fira,Sara & me try out club training at Ceylon Sports Club bein accompanied by Fee & Mel..i donnoe how to describe e feelings e 3 of us was crazy! e journey all e way to toapayoh mrt to meet up with Fee & Mel were super funny..with Fira's stories which sara & me find it hilarious..(i was stil laughing while typing it down cause i find Fira so stupid..soyel sak kau! haha!) & i miss sara greatly & there's so much to talk about & everything we talk bout seems funny..we talk & laugh non stop til e person beside me get irritated & change seat on e opposite side..ahaha!
& Fira is so unhygenic cause she clip her long fingernails in e mrt..& e 1st nail she clipped flew off & i donnoe where it landed...hahaha!! sial peh fira.. & sara keep on saying "eh aku takut ah..tapi aku lapar.." & in e end...we bought 2 pieces of banana..bli pisang pon bleh kecoh sak tu dua mina..
ok to cut it up with Fee & mel & straight to usual...everyone seems so fit except for us...haha! e 3 of us wear baju berlapok kite..u guyz shud knoe...aku dgn sluar tido tak abis2..heh! then sara said "eh kite buat muke selenger la..jadik kalau kite tak dpt tangkap bola,org paham..biar kite nampak kental.." ahahahaha! i cant help it when we make muke kentalan bacin..
So training was fun..not really tiring...but confusing..u guyz remember e drills MsKristy taught us..? Drill A & B..? over there itz A-D.. & e coach didnt teach us...we learn it from others on that point of u guyz could imagine how stupid we looked & played...but whatever...we just train our best...& at 1 point i cant believe that sara was actually sprinting hard on to e ball..everyone seems to be sooo enthusiastic & it was intense..
Afta training...we wash up..I WASH UP cause itz TOAPAYOH..far far away from home..heh! we even shared 1 cubicle..imagine 3 half naked girls bathing..kekek nak mampos..!! we're e last to leave e toilet..then sara yg tak abis2 dgn lapar die,find some bread shop at toapayoh int..we are so fickle bout e breads cause everything seems so nice & nyummy..fira choose,take & put it back when she find another delicious one..& suddenly..e shop owner shouts "any 3 breads for $2.50!!" woah!! ape lagik...kite carik roti mcm tak pernah mkn roti..ahahaha!
& we ate discreetly in e mrt cause we are tooooo hungry..terserlah keburukan masing2...! then home sweet home..sorry bout e long entries but i hope u guyz haf a brief ideas on e club training nx week i guess we're having our own training if ms eunice stil planning..ill beep u guyz of any info..enjoys touch babies..!