May peace be upon you..
hey you people out there.
Especially to my fellow touch mates, what really happen to our blog? wahahah i notice that it has become lah since the recent updates are done by us. Where are you guys? Fianna? Fira? Deffy? Nurul? ah not forgetting Kecik? Haiz dont tell me because of the holidays you people already forgotten the priorities? Chey chey ahhaha ok joking! I just cant wait to see you guys soon! Our training !! haiyoyo the rainy days had changed many moods.
i got something big to bring up!
i am totally against the idea of a man cleaning the ladies toilet! WTH! i was waiting for my turn to pee when suddenly that guy came in and started mopping the floors. That was still fine for me but things started to get worst and i was totally iritated by his way of cleaning. By the way there was 3 cubicle in the ladies. The cubicle that needed maintainance was the middle one. As soon as the first cubicle got vacant, i went in straight away. Da tak tahan mah. Suddenly this bugger went to splash a bucket(i assume lah) of water on the floor. Its like by doing that he can see the reflection of anything which is inside of the cubicle! haiz can you guys imagine that! aiyoyo nak kencing pun susah sey macam malu sak ni jantan plak tak tau nak sabar alamak. Aniway its not me that im really afraid of lah there is also the other cubicle. He is in the middle one so ... haiyoyo tak gune kan otak ah die ni kan kalau nak clean pun tunggu ah sampai orang da takde ke.. letak ah sign nak clean ke ape sey.. kan geram aku! ahha Aniway the toilet incident happened at bugis village second level. SO BEWARE !!
actually i want new skin but the blogskin webby sucks lah and the connection is still sick so ya more to come k.. hehe for now, enjoy our new theme song recommended by Shasha. =)
i miss my gemok!
ok done!