About Me


    Aisyah - 4th Jan 1988

    Shasha - 14th Jan 1989

    Kayan - 25th Feb 1989

    Firah - 27th Feb 1989

    Nisa - 16th June 1988

    Dyania - 8th Sept 1990

    Liyana - 30th Sept 1988

    Deffy - 29 Oct 1988

    Erdianti - 18th Nov 1988

    Fianna - 20th Nov 1988

    Sarah - 7th Dec 1987

What Say you?




being simple as it should be
more than enough to understand
like my permanent underwears

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

rainbow yg tak shine

aku rasa blog kita ni step mana nye rainbow je. tapi smua heran tak heran siak nak update. lagi2 ade lah satu budak tu kan yg dah habis attachment duduk rumah kate nk update tapi aku rase jari die macam gemok dan berat sangat tak boleh type. wakakkaa. so since tiada orang nak update, biar lah aku update. takde criter pun type je lah, asalkn diname UPDATED. abe asal aku bobal melayu eh ni?

haha OKAY! so last week was one helllllluva hectic/bustling week for me. so many things cramp up in last week's schedule. i guess soffia and sarah went through the same with me. aside from our regular touch trainings, we were having contact trainings too which was the ultimate reason for making us aching here and there. salah bantal eh dyania? haha. i managed(!) to skip mon and tues' training just to have extra time to mug. and on wednesday, together with sof and sarah, i ran the inter-ITE cross country which was at jurong lake. this time round, all three of us didnt get a medal. sedih kan? aku tau. thurs, back to contact training. and fri, the sports on carnival. i was embittered that i wasnt in the same route as you guys! ah that damn incident seriously still piss me off! hokay nvm, well atleast we managed to catch derelyn's match together. fri malam rewang and slept only at 5? sat my sis biggy dayyy. i felt it was v.chaotic. and guess wht! we sent dua puluh enam dulang ehhh!!! yes twenty six. 26! we didnt knew it was 26 until the day itself cause last min buat cake sana, pudding sini. total up to 26.

few of the many many dulangs we're sending

macam paham

my sister and me. duduk mcm baru kenal. hahaha.
and yes!
exams are finally over. i can go swimming tanning shopping sleeping friendster-ing gyming jogging (macam paham) and rucking the ball off YOU! =] see you guys at trainingggggg.
firah firah firah.